Wednesday 24 April 2024

Explaining Dropbears

Dreamtime is a concept that's highly dependent on the society and people involved, and I'm not about to try and explain it with any authority, as I'm not the person to do that.

But as a extremely broad concept, it's a state of existence that links together all people of a culture or group. I think.

I'm not about to try and provide an explanation for it, but I just want to point out that a link, a low level psychic field linking all Australians would explain our ability to instantly and fully support every lie to foreigners when told. 

Tuesday 23 April 2024

On My Birthday

I was born today.

Not like, today today, I'm not a few hours old, obviously, given my communication skills are at least that of a 2 year old.

No, on this day, a surprising number of years ago, I was born.

Now, while some parts of these years have been not great, others have been, and overall I'd rate the experience a solid B- so far.

Of course, that score is hampered by the fact that I've got nothing to compare it to. So, in the interest of fairness, I hearby request another go-round for comparison purposes.

Where's the manager?

Monday 22 April 2024


Beneath the fan in my room, a hairball rotates slowly around on the floor. It's not a cat style hairball, all spit and fur, but rather a thing like a tumbleweed, made of my own hair that I guess gathered up somewhere behind my chair and escaped somehow, if you'll allow me to anthropomorphise it.

And that does lead to why I don't pick it up and get rid of it. It's inspiring, in a way, as it survives and keeps going despite being so fragile and weak. Really keeps things in perspective.

Besides, no-one else is ever here, anyway.

Sunday 21 April 2024

Red Vs Redder

For a hundred years, the forces of the Demon King and the Supreme Sorceress had battled across the lands, demon and ghost fighting in every way.

But now, finally, the two rulers finally came face to face, as their forces had one last giant conflict across half the world.

The two traded barbs as their spells and incantations popped and fizzled out, until finally the King got a claw through her defences and drew a drop of blood.

"I win!"

"Maybe, but I'm ahead on points still!"

The two reset themselves and awaited the board to reset itself as well. 

Saturday 20 April 2024

Down The Rabbit Hole

A hazy memory from his childhood was what drove him to investigate and believe most every conspiracy theory, as he would tell anyone who asked of the man with the needle from his childhood.

He was so sure, no matter what logic or evidence that was presented to him, he stayed firm in his beliefs.

But he still dug and did research, and eventually he pieced together a theory that They were drugging those capable of finding out the truth as children to make them crazy and chasing their own tail.

He wondered what those poor souls must live like.

Friday 19 April 2024

Liquid Courage

I poured us both a glass of wine, then I watched her down hers in one long gulp.


She took a deep breath.

"Hoping the liquid courage would help."

My heart sank a little.

"Well, I can assume I know where this conversation is going to go."

"You do?"

"Well, yeah. And look, I'm not happy with it, but if you're set on it, then I won't stand in your way."

She looked at the bottle then back at me.

"I thought you wanted to get married someday?"

I blinked, and then downed my wine in one long gulp. 

Thursday 18 April 2024

Cold Logic

Professor Magma was prepared, he thought, for the Custodians of Earth to try and stop him from unleashing all the volcanos on Earth at once. When they finally attacked his lair, his Magma sprayers and modified cooling rays kept them at bay for the most part. But they managed to get one of their number through with a concentrated effort, a single figure falling through a small hole in his forcefield.

Professor Magma approached the figure, before he paused in surprise. For it wasn't Glory or Sea Gal or even Blitzkrieg Boy, but it was some young man with a sad face and a gaunt body.

The Professor checked his sensors, but they detected no offensive powers, no technology, just a slightly unusual DNA structure (similar to a Jellyfish?). 

"What are you?"

The young man didn't respond verbally until he'd taken a running leap and, to the Professor's confusion, grabbed him in a tight bear hug, that didn't hurt at all.

"Immortal, name's Turri."

There was an ominous creaking sound.

"But also, slightly more importantly, I'm incredibly unlucky."

The platform beneath them broke and plunged them both into the magma below, where the Professor burned.

Turri had a painful wait.